Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can I change from Accountant to Fundraiser??

My acceptance letter same with one small point: that because I would be an already graduated MBA, that I would have to self-fund my trip.


But Jim and I knew this before I sent in my application, that it could be a possibility, and we had decided that we would go ahead anyway, even though the cost was a fair amount of $$$.

Now that my going was a reality (with a signed document stating that yes, in fact, I was ready to write a check for $XXX) I decided that I should put my 30+ years of non-profit experience to work. Granted, my position has always been Controller or Director of Finance. Fundraising was a different department, and NOT what I did. My job is to keep track, not to go out and make the asks.

Guess what?? I don't HAVE a fundraising department here at my house. If I am going to fundraise any dollars, it is going to be up to me to do that.

The Internet is a wonderful place. I Googled South Africa and Education and Grants and came up with 38 different funding sources :) The next week was spent hunting and clicking and working my way through websites for major foundations, such as Ford, HP, Carnegie, Gates .... you name it - I sent them a letter. Carnegie wrote back within a day saying that "while your project is interesting and we would like to support you ....." sooooo .... no. Gates doesn't fund individuals. Ford wanted more information, which I sent, and they thanked me, and I haven't yet heard from them again.

38 letters of interest. Hours and hours sorting through websites that had missing links or I would get 2 hours into it and find the funding year ended in March. Hours to find out that unless you were asked to apply, you couldn't get in.

So I went to Plan B.

I thought back to my friend, Tom Courtney, who once told me that "people help people." Then, my friend Julie said she wanted to help fund me. This inspired the idea of " Sponsor a Day in Deb's South Africa Trip" fundraising plan. The letter took me about 10 minutes to write because, I have found, that when one has a compelling issue that the words fall into place.

My point of talking about fundraising isn't to hit anyone reading this up for funding (although, should you feel so inspired, I would be honored), but to let people following me on this trek know what it takes to fundraise dollars.

Not surprisingly, family and friends want to donate. They want to help. The idea of sponsoring me for a day seems to have hit a mark for many people - it is tangible and real and I have received a few checks already.

Beyond that, I have approached the big foundation in my town. Coinky-a-dinkly, the keynote speaker at my MBA graduation last week was the CEO of the foundation. I asked for, and got, a copy of his keynote speech and integrated that into my letter to him asking for funding. We will see what response I get.

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