Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Finding Winter clothes in the summer ... good luck!!

This is something that I did NOT plan ahead on very well. Nope, not well at all.

Some of you know I have been semi-unemployed since last August, and when I do work, it is usually out of my home office.  Needless to say, my wardrobe has sort of diminished into gym clothes, shorts, and jeans.  At the end of this past winter, I had a number of clothing items that really needed to be replaced, as in ALL my nicer work shirts, ALL of my nicer work pants, and ALL of my work shoes.  The shoes have holes in them so big that I can't wear them on rainy days (but I get my $$$'s worth out of everything!) My assumption was that come this fall, when I am back in the regular work force, I would go on a Buying Frenzie and restock the closet.

But somewhere in there, South Africa mixed into the plan. Now, it is/was May or June and I am trying to find winter clothes, and believe it or not, Macy's just doesn't carry long sleeved warm white shirts this time of year. Nor do they carry warm shoes with closed toes and heels so your feet don't get wet.

Even going on the Internet (which is what exactly EVERYONE has suggested to me) hasn't turned up much, even on the Ultra Clearance Rack sales.  I have haunted so many websites, that I could just about tell you the complete stock at Coldwater Creek, Macys, Sierra Trading, Dockers, and so on.

I have found, I think, enough heavy weight goods to get by, but I sure am going to be tired of wearing these clothes by the time I get back.

And ~~~~  since I ordered the last of my shoes today, I am praying that they are delivered before I leave.

For those of you following in this journey:  PLAN AHEAD!

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried the thrift stores? They may have a back room for winter clothing.

    My SIL in SC finds amazing deals at the thrift shops there - designer jackets and shoes for five bucks? Can't beat that! Even in Podunk, MS, the thrift stores won't sell anything that is stained, torn, or worn-looking.

    Just thought I'd mention it!

