Andisani Tsengiwe is a man with a mission. Ansidsani is one of the LEAPse/student teachers. Having graduated from LEAP last year? two years ago He is now attending UCT (University of Cape Town), and working at the LEAP School as a student teacher. He also is a promising upcoming leader in his community, which is Langa. Here he is, standing on the soccer field, watching his team play last Thursday afternoon. Look at that intensity.
Rememeber all of that soccer gear that many of you donated for me to bring here? It is Andisani's team that benefited. Last week, I loaned Andisani my (new) camera and asked him to take some photos of the gear that had been donated, being worn by the team here in Cape Town. He took a few photos, including these socks and cleats. The kids were thrilled beyond belief with the donations, and daily, I am seeing Novato Youth Soccer League gear on different LEAP students.
Andisani's story is a compelling one. He lives in Langa, one of the townships that I choose not to photograph because of the poverty that I felt there. I felt that photos just couldn't do it justice. But what Andisani has decided to do is start a blog.
Working with Katie, who is one of the 2010 Teach With Africa Fellows, he felt empowered enough with his writing to start this blog. The photos that he will post there are ones taken with my camera.
The team practices at the elementary school in Langa.
This is a field with pot holes, and some grass, but mostly bare dirt. They do so much with so little, it really is amazing. How many pairs of Novato Youth Soccer green socks can you see in this photo??
It may not come through as clearly as I would like, but I really commend this young man. His Peace Lovers Football Club is coming together. He now has a blog, and photos to post on it. He has a mission and a vision. In other words, he is an NPO in the making.
And I can tell you this - he was EXTATIC when I clicked "be a follower" on his website. I would love to rustle some followers for him. Take a look, see what this young community leader is doing. I think you will find him as interesting as I do.
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