What a mixed day today was. We are getting down into the "less than three weeks" timeline. To be specific, I have 18 days before I leave. To add to that, Jim, Grant, and Alex leave for the Rouge River trip on June 13. And Jim goes to Seattle on a work trip the week prior. So between today and June 18 when I leave, he and I have ...... ..... ummmm .... counting ..... thirty days tath September, April, June, and November ... all the rest have 31 .... So May has 31 ....
Well. Seven. He and I have seven days to spend together before I leave for two months.
:) Ouch.
And I feel as if I have ALL OF THIS SOUTH AFRICA stuff to do. But family life goes on as well.

Alex is off in Washington, DC for a marching band trip. Grant was off at a friend's house playing Mario Brawl in preparation for a big tournament in June 12 in San Francisco. So this morning, we slept in, relaxed, Jim got up and fed the cats so that I could sleep longer. Such a good husband (and well trained!!) Then we found out that Ryan (X Son-in-Law) and Madyson (Granddaugher #1 and Only) were in town, so we went and picked them up. Thinking we would only get a couple of hours with them, only to find out we spent the entire day and they are still here tonight. :) This is us at the lunch place.
It's been a year since Madyson was here, and Grandpa and Grammie took advantage. Of course, Mady needed a new Pink Princess bike. We also bought tassles and a basket and a bell, which Grandpa had to install. That is Grandpa putting the final touches on air in the tires, with Uncle Grant standing watch to make sure it was done correctly. Kitty the Dog is ever helpful.
My point with this is, I guess, is that even admist all of the Cape Town planning, as in tomorrow I get shots, and who sponsored a day that emailed me today, there is still the day-to-day activity of family life that goes on during these plans.
This evening, there is Bubble Bath time, and Grandpa is watching a Disney Princess movie with Mady, then tomorrow she leaves with her dad to go on their way. And at that point, I will be back to getting ready for South Africa.
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